The differences you are experiencing are because different correction services use different reference frames.
The PointPerfect correction service uses:
- The origin coordinates in ITRF 2020 and updates this coordinate according to station velocities due to plate tectonics.
This is called “current epoch” and means keeping track of the movement of the earth’s tectonic plates.
However other corrections services may use a “fixed epoch” with a static coordinate that does not change.
The reference frame associated with the PointPerfect correction service is ITRF20120 ( and the epoch updates are done quarterly. The GNSS receiver generally matches the reference frame used on the correction services.
ITRF2020 and WGS84 are quite close therefore when pasting the coordinates into Google Maps it looks accurate, whereas when you compare SWIPOS(LV95/LHN95) to PointPerfect(ITRF2020) directly you will see the offset.
SWIPOS NAV-RTK (which uses the same frame as swisstopo map) is based on LV95 (CHTRS) which is consistent with ETRS in the year 1993.
PointPerfect is based on ITRF2020 current epoch.
The difference between both realizations (LV95 and ITRF2020current epoch) is due to the offset described.
Hence this means a difference in the results when comparing the output from different types of correction services without converting the reference frame.
The following image highlights the difference between the 2 systems. PointPerfect is in the center of the target, while "Other" (Another correction service) is towards the edge.
For Information on International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service (IERS) please see:
More information:
White Paper: Not just where are you, but when are you