Thank you for choosing u-blox for your solution. In order to set up your F9 & D9S for PointPerfect L-Band, please follow the guides and complete the prerequisites below. Please let us know if you need any additional support.
PointPerfect Getting Started (Thingstream & IP setup)
PointPerfect L-Band Configuration (Configure ZED-F9 and NEO-D9S for L-band)
D9S User Guide (D9S jumper configuration)
Step-by-step guide on how to configure the u-blox C101-D9S with ZED-F9
- Thingstream Domain account: (create here
- PointPerfect L-Band plan selected and activated: (If options are not available, please request)
- Latest U-Center for F9/M9 installed:
F9P updated to latest firmware:
- for example: ZED-F9P requires HPG 1.32+: (Firmware downloads are under “Documents & Resources” tab)
L-Band Configuration String: To request this, please email us at to start the process, including the official company name, phone number, and address. (see below if requesting as an individual or academic)
- Compatible L-Band antenna: see section 4.2 in the NEO-D9S Integration Manual
- Unobstructed view of the sky:This is necessary for the L-band signal to connect with the satellite.
Please check the following article if you are an individual or academic person and would like to have access to our L-Band PointPerfect Subscription Service: Can I have PointPerfect L-Band subscription access as an Individual?
*When an internet connection is unavailable and you need to manually push the key to the F9, please see the article about L-band "send key"